Thursday, September 8, 2011

AHHH Homework!

Homework...the dreaded word!!!  Today my fourth graders swore I was trying to stress them out by giving homework...
  "But, Mrs. Bouvier, you haven't given homework yet!"
  "But, Mrs. Bouvier, we might have math homework from Mrs. Schuenke!"
  "But, Mrs. Bouvier, the Packers are playing tonight and you LOVE the Packers!!"

Well, what could I say!? I hadn't given homework yet....I knew Mrs. Schuenke may give math homework...and I do love the Packers..still,

   "You have homework!!"

Today was the very first day that the fourth graders realized that both 4th grade teachers will give homework...on the same day...and expect homework to be finished by the following morning.  I think they were a little overwhelmed!

I did inform them that I do talk with Mrs. Schuenke about homework and we try our hardest to not give them too much each night, though expectations are up to 40 minutes of homework by fourth grade.  I told them how every grade has some expectation of homework, just like almost every job you may hold has some sort of homework.  I shared with them how I have homework each night and they were very surprised by this.  I told them that each night I grade papers, look over and write lesson plans, or write on our webpage/blog to prepare for the next day.  I told them how Mr. Geiger, as my principal, expects this from me as a teacher.  They couldn't believe that I felt this was homework!  That caused them to ask "What would happen if your work wasn't done?"  We talked about how I would not be prepared to teach them each day and they would not learn to the best of their ability.  So we talked about what happens if homework isn't done...what are acceptable and unacceptable excuses and what are the possible consequences when homework is not finished....the biggest being it affects their ability to learn and do well in school.

This lead to me think about how you could help them at home.  Talk with your child about homework and the importance of it.  Share with them your homework experiences or how you may have "homework" at your job you are expected to do.  Create a special place at home where homework can be worked on.  Maybe include a cozy lamp and seat or have a special desk with "homework supplies" like extra paper, pencils, erasers, and colored pencils.  Set a certain time after school that homework will be worked on.  Stick to this time, if possible each day, including weekends.  The structure and habit of doing homework at home will become routine, just like we have structure and routine in our classroom.  Completing homework and feeling proud to do it will come easier with ideas like this in place!  Fianlly, check over your students work.  If it is done well, to the best of their ability, sign their assignment notebook as a way to show me you have looked at it.  This shows your student that you value the work they do too...and we are team in their learning!

If you have questions about homework, please contact me!  You can always view homework assignments by visiting my staff webpage and clicking on "My Homework".

Happy Blogging!

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